Attributes { HDF5_GLOBAL { String Conventions "CF-1.7"; String GranuleID ""; String Format "NetCDF-4"; String GMDVersion "1.4"; String ProductionDateTime "2021-02-03T03:30:35.000000Z"; String Title "N/A"; String identifier_product_doi "10.5067/AURA/MLS/DATA/3104"; String identifier_product_doi_authority ""; String LongName "MLS/Aura Level 3 Daily Binned Chlorine Monoxide (ClO) Mixing Ratio on Assorted Grids"; String ShortName "ML3DBCLO"; Int32 VersionID 4; String RelatedURL ""; String ProcessingCenter "Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology"; String ProductFamily "L3 Binned"; String ProductGenerationAlgorithm "Data Binning from Aura MLS L2GP and L2EDMP data products"; String ProductGenerationAlgorithmVersion "v04.23"; String ProductGenerationCycle "c03"; String DataType "Level 3"; Int32 DataTemplate 2; String history "2021-02-03T03:30:35.000000Z : Initial file creation"; String GroupSchema "Uniform"; String DataSource "Aura MLS"; String DataSourceVersion "v04-2x"; String OriginalFileProcessingCenter "Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology"; String LongDataProduct "Chlorine Monoxide"; String ShortDataProduct "ClO"; String TimeResolution "Daily"; String RangeBeginningDate "2015-12-27"; String RangeBeginningTime "00:00:00.000000Z"; String RangeEndingDate "2015-12-27"; String RangeEndingTime "23:59:59.999999Z"; String ObservationArea "Global"; Float32 SouthBoundingCoordinate -82.00000000; Float32 NorthBoundingCoordinate 82.00000000; Float32 WestBoundingCoordinate -180.0000000; Float32 EastBoundingCoordinate 180.0000000; String DataScreening "Data screening done in accordance with Aura MLS v04 data quality document"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Equivalent"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Descending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 90.00000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String AuxField "vtx"; String DataSubset "Daytime (SZA < 90) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Equivalent"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Nighttime (SZA > 110) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Ascending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Daytime (SZA < 90) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night { String VerticalCoordinate "Pressure"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 5.000000000; String DataSubset "Nighttime (SZA > 110) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc { String VerticalCoordinate "Pressure"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Ascending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day { String VerticalCoordinate "Pressure"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 5.000000000; String DataSubset "Daytime (SZA < 90) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Equivalent"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Daytime (SZA < 90) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day"; } ClO_PressureGrid { String VerticalCoordinate "Pressure"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 5.000000000; String DataSubset "None"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night { String VerticalCoordinate "Pressure"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Nighttime (SZA > 110) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 5.000000000; String DataSubset "Descending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 5.000000000; String DataSubset "Daytime (SZA < 90) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc { String VerticalCoordinate "Pressure"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 5.000000000; String DataSubset "Descending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc"; } ClO_ThetaZM { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "None"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc { String VerticalCoordinate "Pressure"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Descending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 5.000000000; String DataSubset "Nighttime (SZA > 110) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night"; } ClO_PressureZM { String VerticalCoordinate "Pressure"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "None"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Equivalent"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Ascending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Nighttime (SZA > 110) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night"; } ClO_VortexAvg { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 90.00000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String AuxField "vtx"; String DataSubset "None"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Descending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day { String VerticalCoordinate "Pressure"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "Daytime (SZA < 90) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day"; } ClO_ThetaGrid { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 5.000000000; String DataSubset "None"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 90.00000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String AuxField "vtx"; String DataSubset "Descending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc { String VerticalCoordinate "Pressure"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 5.000000000; String DataSubset "Ascending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc"; } ClO_EqLZM { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Equivalent"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String DataSubset "None"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 90.00000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String AuxField "vtx"; String DataSubset "Ascending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 90.00000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 360.0000000; String AuxField "vtx"; String DataSubset "Nighttime (SZA > 110) Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc { String VerticalCoordinate "Potential Temperature"; String LatLonGridType "Geodetic"; Float32 LatitudeResolution 4.000000000; Float32 LongitudeResolution 5.000000000; String DataSubset "Ascending Profiles Only"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc/value"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc/std_dev"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc/minimum"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc/maximum"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc/time_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc/nvalues"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_vortex_edge { String long_name "Vortex Edge Criteria in Scaled Potential Vorticity"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The contour value indicating the polar vortex edge"; String origname "vortex_edge"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/vortex_edge"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/lat_bnds"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/value"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/std_dev"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/minimum"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/maximum"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_vtx { String long_name "Vortex Average Criteria"; String units "none"; String comments "0=outer vortex edge, 1=central vortex edge, 2=inner vortex edge"; String origname "vtx"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/vtx"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/time_bnds"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/nvalues"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night/lat_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night/value"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night/std_dev"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night/minimum"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night/maximum"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night/time_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc/value"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc/std_dev"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc/minimum"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc/maximum"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc/time_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day/lat_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day/value"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day/std_dev"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day/minimum"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day/maximum"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day/time_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day/nvalues"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/lat_bnds"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/value"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/std_dev"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/minimum"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/maximum"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/time_bnds"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/nvalues"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_lon_bnds { String long_name "Longitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_east"; String comments "Longitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lon_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/lon_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc/value"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc/std_dev"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc/minimum"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc/maximum"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc/time_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc/nvalues"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/lat_bnds"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/value"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/std_dev"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/minimum"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/maximum"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/time_bnds"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/nvalues"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_lon_bnds { String long_name "Longitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_east"; String comments "Longitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lon_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/lon_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day/lat_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day/value"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day/std_dev"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day/minimum"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day/maximum"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day/time_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day/nvalues"; } ClO_PressureGrid_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/lat_bnds"; } ClO_PressureGrid_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/value"; } ClO_PressureGrid_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/std_dev"; } ClO_PressureGrid_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_PressureGrid_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/minimum"; } ClO_PressureGrid_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/maximum"; } ClO_PressureGrid_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/time_bnds"; } ClO_PressureGrid_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/nvalues"; } ClO_PressureGrid_lon_bnds { String long_name "Longitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_east"; String comments "Longitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lon_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/lon_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night/lat_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night/value"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night/std_dev"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night/minimum"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night/maximum"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night/time_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/value"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/std_dev"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/minimum"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/maximum"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/time_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_lon_bnds { String long_name "Longitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_east"; String comments "Longitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lon_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/lon_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/lat_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/value"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/std_dev"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/minimum"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/maximum"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/time_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_lon_bnds { String long_name "Longitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_east"; String comments "Longitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lon_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/lon_bnds"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/value"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/std_dev"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/minimum"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/maximum"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/time_bnds"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/nvalues"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_lon_bnds { String long_name "Longitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_east"; String comments "Longitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lon_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/lon_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaZM_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM/lat_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaZM_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM/value"; } ClO_ThetaZM_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM/std_dev"; } ClO_ThetaZM_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_ThetaZM_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM/minimum"; } ClO_ThetaZM_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM/maximum"; } ClO_ThetaZM_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM/time_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaZM_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM/nvalues"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc/value"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc/std_dev"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc/minimum"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc/maximum"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc/time_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/lat_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/value"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/std_dev"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/minimum"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/maximum"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/time_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_lon_bnds { String long_name "Longitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_east"; String comments "Longitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lon_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/lon_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM/lat_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM/value"; } ClO_PressureZM_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM/std_dev"; } ClO_PressureZM_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_PressureZM_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM/minimum"; } ClO_PressureZM_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM/maximum"; } ClO_PressureZM_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM/time_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM/nvalues"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc/value"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc/std_dev"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc/minimum"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc/maximum"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc/time_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night/lat_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night/value"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night/std_dev"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night/minimum"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night/maximum"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night/time_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night/nvalues"; } ClO_VortexAvg_vortex_edge { String long_name "Vortex Edge Criteria in Scaled Potential Vorticity"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The contour value indicating the polar vortex edge"; String origname "vortex_edge"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/vortex_edge"; } ClO_VortexAvg_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/lat_bnds"; } ClO_VortexAvg_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/value"; } ClO_VortexAvg_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/std_dev"; } ClO_VortexAvg_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_VortexAvg_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/minimum"; } ClO_VortexAvg_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/maximum"; } ClO_VortexAvg_vtx { String long_name "Vortex Average Criteria"; String units "none"; String comments "0=outer vortex edge, 1=central vortex edge, 2=inner vortex edge"; String origname "vtx"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/vtx"; } ClO_VortexAvg_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/time_bnds"; } ClO_VortexAvg_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc/value"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc/std_dev"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc/minimum"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc/maximum"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc/time_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc/nvalues"; } OriginalInputFiles { String origname "OriginalInputFiles"; String fullnamepath "/OriginalInputFiles"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day/lat_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day/value"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day/std_dev"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day/minimum"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day/maximum"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day/time_bnds"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/lat_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/value"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/std_dev"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/minimum"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/maximum"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/time_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_lon_bnds { String long_name "Longitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_east"; String comments "Longitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lon_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/lon_bnds"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_vortex_edge { String long_name "Vortex Edge Criteria in Scaled Potential Vorticity"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The contour value indicating the polar vortex edge"; String origname "vortex_edge"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/vortex_edge"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/value"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/std_dev"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/minimum"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/maximum"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_vtx { String long_name "Vortex Average Criteria"; String units "none"; String comments "0=outer vortex edge, 1=central vortex edge, 2=inner vortex edge"; String origname "vtx"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/vtx"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/time_bnds"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/nvalues"; } XmlMetadata { String origname "XmlMetadata"; String fullnamepath "/XmlMetadata"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/value"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/std_dev"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/minimum"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/maximum"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/time_bnds"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/nvalues"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_lon_bnds { String long_name "Longitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_east"; String comments "Longitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lon_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/lon_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM/lat_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM/value"; } ClO_EqLZM_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM/std_dev"; } ClO_EqLZM_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_EqLZM_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM/minimum"; } ClO_EqLZM_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM/maximum"; } ClO_EqLZM_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM/time_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM/nvalues"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_vortex_edge { String long_name "Vortex Edge Criteria in Scaled Potential Vorticity"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The contour value indicating the polar vortex edge"; String origname "vortex_edge"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/vortex_edge"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/value"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/std_dev"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/minimum"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/maximum"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_vtx { String long_name "Vortex Average Criteria"; String units "none"; String comments "0=outer vortex edge, 1=central vortex edge, 2=inner vortex edge"; String origname "vtx"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/vtx"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/time_bnds"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/nvalues"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_vortex_edge { String long_name "Vortex Edge Criteria in Scaled Potential Vorticity"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The contour value indicating the polar vortex edge"; String origname "vortex_edge"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/vortex_edge"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/lat_bnds"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/value"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/std_dev"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/minimum"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/maximum"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_vtx { String long_name "Vortex Average Criteria"; String units "none"; String comments "0=outer vortex edge, 1=central vortex edge, 2=inner vortex edge"; String origname "vtx"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/vtx"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/time_bnds"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_lat_bnds { String long_name "Latitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_north"; String comments "Latitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lat_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/lat_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_value { String long_name "Average Value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The average value in a bin"; String origname "value"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/value"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_std_dev { String long_name "Standard Deviation of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The standard deviation in each bin"; String origname "std_dev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/std_dev"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_rms_uncertainty { String long_name "RMS Precision of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The RMS precision in a bin"; String origname "rms_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/rms_uncertainty"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_minimum { String long_name "Minimum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The minimum value in each bin"; String origname "minimum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/minimum"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_maximum { String long_name "Maximum value of Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Float32 _FillValue -999.9899902; String comments "The maximum value in each bin"; String origname "maximum"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/maximum"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_time_bnds { String long_name "Time Bounds"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The time boundaries. Data is lower bound <= time < upper bound"; String origname "time_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/time_bnds"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_nvalues { String long_name "Number of values from Chlorine Monoxide"; String units "vmr"; Int32 _FillValue -999; String comments "The number of values found in each bin"; String origname "nvalues"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/nvalues"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_lon_bnds { String long_name "Longitude Bounds"; String units "degrees_east"; String comments "Longitude at bounds of the grid cell"; String origname "lon_bnds"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/lon_bnds"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc_lat { String long_name "Equivalent Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Area of contours of the potential vorticity expressed as equivalent latitude"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc/lat"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc/lev"; } ClO_EqLZM_Asc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Asc/time"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day_lat { String long_name "Equivalent Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Area of contours of the potential vorticity expressed as equivalent latitude"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day/lat"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day/lev"; } ClO_EqLZM_Day_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Day/time"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc_lat { String long_name "Equivalent Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Area of contours of the potential vorticity expressed as equivalent latitude"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc/lat"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc/lev"; } ClO_EqLZM_Desc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Desc/time"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night_lat { String long_name "Equivalent Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Area of contours of the potential vorticity expressed as equivalent latitude"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night/lat"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night/lev"; } ClO_EqLZM_Night_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM Night/time"; } ClO_EqLZM_lat { String long_name "Equivalent Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Area of contours of the potential vorticity expressed as equivalent latitude"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM/lat"; } ClO_EqLZM_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM/lev"; } ClO_EqLZM_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO EqLZM/time"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/lat"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_lev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/lev"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_lon { String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String bounds "lon_bnds"; String comments "Longitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lon"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/lon"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Asc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Asc/time"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/lat"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_lev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/lev"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_lon { String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String bounds "lon_bnds"; String comments "Longitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lon"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/lon"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Day_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Day/time"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/lat"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_lev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/lev"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_lon { String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String bounds "lon_bnds"; String comments "Longitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lon"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/lon"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Desc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Desc/time"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/lat"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_lev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/lev"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_lon { String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String bounds "lon_bnds"; String comments "Longitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lon"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/lon"; } ClO_PressureGrid_Night_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid Night/time"; } ClO_PressureGrid_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/lat"; } ClO_PressureGrid_lev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/lev"; } ClO_PressureGrid_lon { String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String bounds "lon_bnds"; String comments "Longitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lon"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/lon"; } ClO_PressureGrid_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureGrid/time"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc/lat"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc_lev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc/lev"; } ClO_PressureZM_Asc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Asc/time"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day/lat"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day_lev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day/lev"; } ClO_PressureZM_Day_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Day/time"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc/lat"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc_lev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc/lev"; } ClO_PressureZM_Desc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Desc/time"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night/lat"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night_lev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night/lev"; } ClO_PressureZM_Night_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM Night/time"; } ClO_PressureZM_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM/lat"; } ClO_PressureZM_lev { String long_name "Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM/lev"; } ClO_PressureZM_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO PressureZM/time"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/lat"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/lev"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_lon { String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String bounds "lon_bnds"; String comments "Longitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lon"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/lon"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Asc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Asc/time"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/lat"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/lev"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_lon { String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String bounds "lon_bnds"; String comments "Longitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lon"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/lon"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Day_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Day/time"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/lat"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/lev"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_lon { String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String bounds "lon_bnds"; String comments "Longitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lon"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/lon"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Desc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Desc/time"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/lat"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/lev"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_lon { String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String bounds "lon_bnds"; String comments "Longitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lon"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/lon"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_Night_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid Night/time"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/lat"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/lev"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_lon { String long_name "Longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String bounds "lon_bnds"; String comments "Longitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lon"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/lon"; } ClO_ThetaGrid_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaGrid/time"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc/lat"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc/lev"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Asc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Asc/time"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day/lat"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day/lev"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Day_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Day/time"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc/lat"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc/lev"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Desc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Desc/time"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night/lat"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night/lev"; } ClO_ThetaZM_Night_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM Night/time"; } ClO_ThetaZM_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM/lat"; } ClO_ThetaZM_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM/lev"; } ClO_ThetaZM_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO ThetaZM/time"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/lat"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/lev"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Asc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Asc/time"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/lat"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/lev"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Day_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Day/time"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/lat"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/lev"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Desc_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Desc/time"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/lat"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/lev"; } ClO_VortexAvg_Night_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg Night/time"; } ClO_VortexAvg_lat { String long_name "Latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String bounds "lat_bnds"; String comments "Latitude at center of the grid cell"; String origname "lat"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/lat"; } ClO_VortexAvg_lev { String long_name "Potential Temperature"; String units "K"; String comments "The vertical coordinate"; String origname "lev"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/lev"; } ClO_VortexAvg_time { String long_name "Time"; String units "days since 1950-01-01"; String bounds "time_bnds"; String calendar "standard"; String comments "The date"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/ClO VortexAvg/time"; } }